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Unconditional Love



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Unconditional Love wants to help you to accept the Lord Jesus Christ and better your walk with Him. Our site dedicates itself to accepting, worshiping, praising and glorifying the Lord, Jesus Christ. We want His Word to be spread across the world and for all to know who Jesus Christ is and what He has done and will do.

Taking the First Step

The first step to having Jesus as your friend for life is to accept that He is who He says He is.
Jesus is God the Father in human form. He came to earth to die for all of our sins. He was buried and rose on the third day. He now sits at the right hand of God, waiting for His second coming. Ask Jesus to come into your heart is how you accept what He says in the Bible is true. It's very easy to do.
-You ask Jesus to forgive your sins, the reason for His death on the cross.
-You tell Jesus that you will trust Him.
-You believe that He came to earth, died for your sins and rose from the dead.

If you don't know Christ as your personal Savior, He wants to accept you as His child. If noone has prayed with you so that you may accept Christ, please call us. We will pray with you.

The second step of having Jesus Christ in your life is your commitment to Him.
-Read your Bible everyday.
*It doesn't matter if you only read your Bible for 10 or 15 minutes a day. Just learning what God has revealed to us is what is important. If you don't have a Bible, let us know and we will send one to you.

-Pray everyday.
*Even if you just thank Jesus for dying on the cross for your sins, talking to Him is important because He loves you. If you need someone to pray with, please call us and we will happily pray with you.

-Tell someone what you have done.
*By telling someone what you have done, you are openly accountable for your decision. A promise to yourself can be easily broken, but if you tell someone, they can help you with your walk. If you the one you tell isn't a Christian, witness to that person. You may account to each other if he/she accepts Christ, too.

-Go to church.
*Go to church that is Bible-teaching and Bible-preaching. Many churches these days are conforming to the ways of the world. Find a church whose roots are dug deep into the truths of the Bible. If you need help finding a church in your area, please let us know. We will help you find one.

-Help others find Jesus Christ as their Savior.
*As above, if you witness to a non-Christian, you can help them accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. He loves all of us and only wants the best for us. He will be with us every step of our lives and will never leave us.

-Allow Jesus Christ to work in your life.
*Be available to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. He can use the smallest talent you have to give glory to His name. Works won't get you into Heaven, but it will help others to know Him. Only believing and accepting Christ will secure your eternity with Him.

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