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Questions Often Asked by TruthSeekers
Below are answers to your possible questions about Jesus Christ, God or becoming a Christian.

Why is sin so bad? What do I do when I do sin?
-God hates sin.
-Sin is a willful decision to go against God's law.
-If you don't do what you know it right, it is sin. (James 4:17)
-Ask God for forgiveness.
-Repent or make a decision to not do that act again.

Is there a Heaven?
-Yes. It is Jesus' home.
-Yes. It will be your future eternal home, if you are God's child.
-Yes. Everything about it is holy.

Is Jesus the only way to Heaven?
-Yes. Jesus is the Son of God.
-Yes. Jesus is God.
-Yes. Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth and the life. Noone comes to the Father except though Me." --John 14:6
-Yes. Jesus is the only living God.

Who is the Holy Spirit?
-He is our helper in our life.
-He is the Spirit of God inside you.
-He is the teacher who tells us what Christ wants us to know.
-He helps us know Jesus Christ better.
-He helps us to think as Christ does.
-He is our guider to avoid sin and do what Christ would do.

How am I Born Again?
-Admit you are a sinner.
-Repent of your sins.
-Believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins.
-Receive Jesus in your personal life as your Savior.

Can I be a Christian without reading the Bible?
-No. The Bible convicts us of our sins and leads us the Jesus Christ.
-No. You need to read the Bible to learn about Jesus Christ.
-No. The Bible tells you what Jesus Christ says to do in each situation.
-No. It tells you of Jesus Christ's life and all He did during His life.

Do I need to attend church to worship God?
-Yes. The church is not just a building, it is the body of believers.
-Yes. Being with the body of believers is what makes the church.
-Yes. It's not just about going every week. It's about being with God's people and worshiping the Holy Father together.
-Yes. It's spending time with God's family, here on earth.

How can I become a Christian?
-Very simply. Have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.
-A Christian is a follower of Jesus Christ.
-A Christian believes Jesus Christ is God in human form (God's Son). He died for everyone's sins and He rose again on the third day.
-When you believe in Jesus Christ, you must put away the ways of the flesh or things of this earth. You will then live eternally with God the Father and Jesus Christ.

How can I know the Will of God?
-Know that God's will is what He wants.
-We can find out the Will of God by asking Him to show us in our walk with Him.
-God can show us His will in many ways. All we have to do is ask Him to show us.

When is Jesus returning again?
There are events the Bible specifically mentions will happen before Jesus Christ will return again. It gave events before He came to earth as God in the flesh the first time so there is no reason to doubt He will return again.
-False messiahs and prophets will be claiming to be Christ. Cults in recent years have shown this to be true.
-Wars and threats of wars. When wars become global and not just localized in one area of the world, it's a global war.
-Famines. There are countries in the world that each day go through a famine, no matter how much money or food they are given.
-Earthquakes in various places.
-Many will lose hope. With this loss of hope, people will betray and hate each other.
-The good news will be preached all over the world. There are many missionaries who, everyday, preach God's truth in countries who don't openly accept Christianity and kill those who try to spread the truth.
-Jerusalem is fully under Jewish control. In recent years, Israel has reclaimed the entire city of Jerusalem, however other religions still have buildings for themselves. Jerusalem must not have anything for worship in other religions.

If you don't know Christ as your personal Savior, He wants to accept you as His child. If noone has prayed with you so that you may accept Christ, please call us. We will pray with you. Email us with any questions you have.

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